Contributors to the Campion Nostalgia Web Page
- Thomas Olson '72
- Bene factor
- Funding for Web/ISP/DB Servers
- Alumni Database Program and Dynamic Web Forms
- Web Crawling Services
- Scanning, OCR, and Editing
- Senior Class Pictures Project
- Yearbook Covers Collection Project
- Complete History of Campion Nostalgia Project
- Links to other Campion Schools
- Links to Campion articles on other sites
- Campionette Covers 1969
- Yearbooks for '69 '70 '71 '72
- Camp Campion stuff
- Research at the Internet Movies DataBase
- Web Master - Chief Architect LAMP w/Perl
- Mark Gomez '74
- Hoffman Collection - Liaison for Mary Gillitzer
- Yearbooks for '55 '58 '59 '61 '63 '65 '67 '68
- Yearbooks for '38 '45 '50 '51 '60 ' 62 '64 '74
- Collection of Newspaper Articles
- Collection of Post Cards
- 2 unpublished histories by BRO STABER, SJ.
- Miscellaneous Campion For Sale Items
- Mary Gillitzer (PdC HS '72)
- * Note: Mary is the granddaughter of Coach Hoffman and is the source of
Coach Hoffman related materials. We thank her for her support in
providing historically great Campion Nostalgia.
- Robert Muhs '38
- Yearbook cover for '38
- Forward/Dedication from 1938 Year Book
- Edward O'Connor '43
- Info on Fr. William Bowdern S.J., Exorcist
- Yearbook Cover Scans for '40 '41
- Dennis Casey - Additional info about JCU and refinement in some of their links.
- * Note: Dennis did not get to attend Campion as it had already closed, but his older brothers, father and uncles did.
- Tom Knapp '57
- Yearbooks for '56 and '57.
- Mike Kelly '58
- Help with Class of 58 email addresses etal.
- Dave Gretz '76
- Yearbook covers for '73 and '75.
- Forward for '75.
- Senior Pics for '73 and '75.
- Mike Morrow '70
- Photos of Campus circa 1995.
- Lucey Hall Regulations circa 1966
- Robert Bush '46
- Yearbook for 1946
- Football Picture autographed by David Doyle
- Campionettes From the mid 1940's
- Larry de Lorimier '48
- Charles 'Chuck' Meehan '50
- 50th Reunion Materials for Class of '50
- Pat Mower '64
- Pictures of the Golf Tour 2000 in PdC.
- James Williamson '47
- Yearbook Cover for 1947
- Scans from the 1947 yearbook
- Campionettes
- Joseph Dziwura '77
- The last Campionette - May 1975
- Joe Apelman '43
- Info on Dick Tuck '42, the infamous prankster
- Photos from 1941
- Chuck Lambeck '60
- Cletus Althoff '70
- Campionettes from 1966, 1967, and 1968
- Sportswear images
- Bumper Sticker Reproductions
- Aaron Huguenard '47
- Campion Forever Newsletter
- Yearbook 1939
- Lee Staak '69
- Yearbooks for 1966 and 1969
- Campionette from May 1966
- 1966 Knight Supplement
- 1966-67 Campion Knights Booklet
- 1968 Chronicles
- Joe Murphy '62
- Campionette Covers from 1961 and 1962
- William Friedrichs '69
- Campionette Covers from Sep 30,1961 and Feb 20, 1965
- Coach Friedrichs Stuff
- Joel Schulz MLPS'89
- Photos of MLPS Campus circa 1995
- George Dorsey '55
- Matt Simon '55
- Yearbooks for '52 and '54
- Roger Sargent '49
- Yearbook for '49
- Vintage Paper Placemat from Kabers
- Joe Bigane '65
- His dads, Joe, Yearbooks for '35 '36 '37 '38
- Peter Haas '73
- Stephen Kelley '71
- Nostalgic items
- Campionette Covers
- Rev. Bob Leiweke, S.J.
- Wherabouts of many Campion Jebbies
- Robert Killeren
- Personal Photo Albums he shot as a scholastic from 1942 to 1943
- James West '32
- Yearbooks for 1931 and 1932
- Atheletic Review 1930-1931
- Matt Micka '75
- Yearbook for 1924, 1925, 1926
- Steve Simms '72
- Photos of Campion students in Melk, Austria circa 1970-71
- Jerry Wagner '69
- Photo Album of Jerry Wagner '17
- History of Wagner Family attendance at Campion
- Paul McCullough '70
- Aerial links
- Metriculation data (last decade)
- Additional scans from misc yearbooks for BonFires and Seasons
- BooCoo Campion Band Trivia
- Kevin Keough '65
- Prairie du Chien Library
- Access to archives
- Yearbook 1930
- Camp Campion Brochure
- Lucey Hall Dedication
- Lawler Hall Dedication
- Alumni list prior 1928
- John Novey '61
- Campionette Covers 1958-1959
- Robert Smith '68
- Pictures of statues which use to be shrines on campus
- JROTC patch
- Tom Halpin '73
- Jim Hartigan '71
- Homily for Fr. Aspenleiter
- Mike Grosko '77
- Excerpted the Early History of Yearbooks from 1953 yearbook
- John Roll '70
- Color Prints Collection of Kostka Hall Fire
- Corinne Minnaert Postnikoff
- * Note: Corinne is the Great Granddaughter of Achille Minnaert
and has provided us with information about Achille Minnaert
- Steve Donlon '65
- Joseph Brisch '42
- Campion Knight 'An Album Section' 1942. This was printed instead
of an actual Year Book to conserve paper during WWII.
- Andrew Barnett '72
- Yearbooks for 1940 and 1941
- Mike Ternes '65
- John Haurykiewicz '66
- Band info from the early 60s
- Mike Horrigan '54
- Ann Wilson, Daughter of Larry Wittig '31
- 1929 Campionette Commencement (Year Book)
- Michael Udelhoven '70
- Campion Promotional Brochure circa 1967-1968
- Robert Bruchs '73
- Jay Gleeson '73
- Letters from the Office of the President
- Fee Schedule 1972-73
- Student Handbook 1972-1973
- Yearbook for '41
- Another copy of Camp Campion Brochure
- John Duskey '63
- Compilation of Sport Scores from yearbooks 1940-1975
- Band picture submission
- Underclassmen pictures from 1975 yearbook
- Information about the old Campion Alumni Association
- Update Faculty Roster
- George Braasch '54
- Roster of students 1940-1975(1978) compiled by Bro Staber, S.J. and Mrs Emma Bouzek
- Roster of all employees 1880-1975(1978) by Bro Staber, S.J.
- Peggy Beucher Clark, daughter of Nick Beucher '34
- 1934 Yearbook Cover
- 1934 Yearbook scans