In a world in which the two principal ideologies must inevitably clash; in a world giving promise of imminent catastrophe, it is expedient - nay, necessary - that people return to the moral principles which they seem to have lost. For Catholics, the necessity includes a renewed devotion to their faith. More particularly, they are enjoined to cultivate in a special manner a devotion to the Mother of God.
For it is undeniable that Mary holds the answer to the world's ills -she has explicitly stated this in her Fatima apparitions. We have but to follow the formula therein laid down to rid ourselves of the dangers of atheistic Communism.
It is only fitting, then, that we return this promise of love and aid as well as we are able. To this end we dedicate this Campion Knight of 1951 to Our Blessed Mother, under one of her most beautiful titles, the name by which our chapel is dedicated to her- Our Lady, Queen of Angels