An Introduction to Campion...
Nestling in the broad valley above the juncture of the Mississippi
and Wisconsin Rivers, Campion stands, a bulwark of Catholic education.
Campion comprises seven buildings situated to form a "C" design,
an infirmary, a central heating plant and a spacious campus encircled
by a nine-hole golf course.
The Knight begins his day with Mass and Holy Communion in the beautiful chapel
Our Lady of the Angels. Mass is followed by breakfast in the newly constructed
and equipped Loyola Hall. Classes are held in Marquette, Campion, or Kostka
hall, while indoor recreation is provided in either of Campions's large
gymnasiums. The evenings are spent in study either in the study halls of
the underclassmen or in the private rooms of Marquette Hall.
Outdoor recreation is virtually unlimited.
Each division has at its disposal three
football fields, six baseball diamonds,
and two ice-skating rinks. The golf links
are used by both Senior and Junior Divisions.
Hikes off campus to the scenic bluffs
which surround Campion help pass the time of
a Wednesday or Saturday afternoon.
Excerpt from 1945 Campion Knight Yearbook