The MEN form the class of 1969 will return to Prairie du Chien for their 45 reunion from June 6th thru the 8th. This reunion will occur during the annual Golf Tournament weekend and members of the "class" of Campion will be contacted by email. If you haven't received your email from Jerry Wagner and need the information contact me and I will forward his email. Many of the members of our class have attended the annual golf tournament since it's inception and we have gathered as a class every five years since graduation. We had our 40th reunion in PDC in 2009 and about 40 members attended. The plans include a dinner at Hoffman Hall on June 7th. As an added incentive the class members who were part of the legendary Liquid Sunshine will not be reuniting and playing for the reunion. Loss of hair and added pounds have nothing to do with this decision.
Joe Riley