It'll be September 7-9, 2012, in Milwaukee, WI, at the Ambassador Hotel, where we've arranged a special rate. We've got about 20+ guys indicating that they intend to come. We've emailed and snail mailed information to all of the 70 plus some guys we know the whereabouts of.
We plan on a couple of evening meals at some Milwaukee restaurants, a stadium tour, a brewery tour, and a river boat cruise. It should be a fun event. As usual, we'll welcome any of our friends from the classes just before and after us if they wish to attend.
We'll be taking a collection to help defray the expenses of any Jesuits who knew us and wish to come. Fr. Bill Kurz from Marquette is arranging all of that. In addition, we're going to help defray the expenses of our class president, Dr. George Burbach, who currently resides in the Phillippines. Any money left over will be donated to Fr. Jim Strzok, a Jesuit classmate involved with Ocer Campion in Africa.
Our missing classmates are Richard Blatz, Larry Curphy, Larry Dohse, Alfred Domville, Dennis Duffy, Jim Dyrud, Tim Kelly, Joseph Merz, Mike, Munding, Bob Neuman, Bill Nugent, Dan O'Donnell, William Reed, John Rink, Thomas Sheen, Bob Sherman, Jim Wall, and Mike White. Any help you can give us to find these guys would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me at