Florida Reunion 2006


Nice reunion: Held in St. Augustine. Following were there-followed by guest and home town

'45  William Robb - Debra Costello-Tabb,Va.
      Ed Furey-Dorothy-North Palm Beach, Fl.
      John Gillespie-Peggy-Creve Coeur,Mo.
'46  Paul Fox-Harrisonburg, Va.
      Henry Kemp-St.Petersburg, Fl.
'47  Aaron Huguenard-Lauretta-Bare Foot Bay, Fl.
'48  Jim Gleen-Elaine-Hilton Head Island, S.C.
      John O'Sullivan-Ann Arbor, Mich.
      Peter DuHamel-Lois-Rochester Hills, Mich.
      Ed Rogers-Ann-Jacksonville, Fl.
      Tom Emmet-Castle Rock-Co.
'49  Bob Hanrahan-Mary Ellen-Gainsville, Fl.
'50  Jim Friedl-Marilyn-Lady Lake, Fl.
'51  Rev. Greg Lucey,S.J.-Mobile,Al.
'54  Phill Sharkey-Elizabeth-Palmetto Bay, Fl.
'56  Brendan Miles-Kim & Jody Haynes-Miami, Fl.
'59  James Phillipp-Ormond Beach, Fl.
'60  Chuck Lambeck-Linda-Pensacola, Fl.
      Fred Grelle-Barbara-Cross Plains, Wi.
'61  Paul O'Sullivan-Okatie, S.C.
'74  John O'Sullivan-Jacksonville, Fl.

Fr. Lucey was guest speaker and talked about the closing of Campion. It was very enlightening. I had a long talk with him afterward. I don't doubt that this was one of the hardest things he ever had to do but I did explain that in the 80's and 90's I had 3 sons go to two different Benedictine boarding schools both of which were in the South and survived the 70's by not integrating from the ghetto but rather from middle class black families with values like ours and overcoming the transportation problem of rural areas by bussing the kids to the nearest transportation hub as was done At Subiaco Academy in rural Arkansas 100 miles west of Little Rock. I really think Fr. Lucey is very intelligent understood, if not somewhat sympathetic to the point I was making. I think that we all find ourselves saying things like "If I had to do it all over again ...." Besides different religious order may not have interpreted the meanings of Vatican II exactly the same. He explained how his superiors interpreted it. He is very capable and I think he will make a good president of Springhill College in Mobile although he did say that adjusting to the Southern culture was quite an expierence compared to the more liberal Wisconsin province.

All in all everyone seemed to have a great time. The pictures I am sending is primarily of our table but hopefully these pictures will be combined with others and posted somewhere for all to view.

Best Regards,
Brendan Miles '56

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