21 July, 1997

BIG CHANGES!!!!!!!! READ CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK guys, here’s the scoop....since as of yesterday only about 5 rooms have been booked in Prairie, and since talking to a number of people around the country, there will be NO REUNION IN PDC! We are moving instead to the Heidel House in Green Lake Wisconsin (just West of Fond du Lac). I have been working with Joe and we have worked out a deal with them. The dates remain 8/29- 9/1.

Here it is: We have 40 rooms on hold there at $115.00/nite. They are giving us a Hospitality suite to use as a hang out...a nice place with a Lake view, bar, couch, tv, etc. We will have our banquet there Saturday nite. For those of you who have been there you know it is a great place....for those of you who haven’t been there, you will find out!


Updated 21 July, 1997